So many things have happened since I have last talked with you through this medium we get to call "a blog". And as we approach the middle of the month, I think its time to look at what we have accomplished so far, and all the happenings around us that we simply can't ignore - yes, I am talking about Slicehost. Our 6baskets promotion is growing stronger each day, and many of you have chosen to give us your trust - we thank you for that, and are tirelessly working to impress you day after day. Probably one of the most important kickers to our promotion campaign has been Rackspace announcement on Slicehost closing the doors. Don't get me wrong, we planned this promotion months ahead, but it turned out really great because a lot of Slicehost customers.
Of course, we invite everybody else, including other Slicehosters to join us and we will provide them with a comfortable home, with cozy pillows and all that fluff included. We will probably also cut your bills, and increase your performance. Not to mention that in most cases we will be able to automatically migrate you to your new residence. But this is not about us, this is about you - we want you to be happy, so come and talk to us. Even if we are not the right solution for you, we will help you find you something that will satisfy your needs.
Onto other things, together with you, our beloved clients, we have been planning on how to proceed with documentation, and I am glad to announce that we will soon start working on writing stuff that will be both useful and fun. We want you to help - if you know how to write english, know sysadmin and you are willing to work with us, poke me at We will be giving away nice prizes in form of free month(s) for people who collaborate with us.
Oh, and for the first time in the 6sync history you guys spread the word about 6sync so far and wide that we are having some troubles satisfying the demand - so better hurry up if you want to get your server right now!
See ya around, its great knowing you all.