January 03, 2011

by mario
Category: 6sync, Biscuit

Owning the room

System administrators are a strange kind of people - we rely on them every day, and believe they can keep our sites up so we could continue doing what we do best. But the tricky part in sysadmin business is that very few people, if anyone, actually understands what and how they do their magic, and don't really appreciate the work they put into it.

Well, at least until something bad happens - then all the blame goes to them. Every now and then, a downtime or a problem will occur, and they will be the ones that will have to both take the blame and fix the problem yesterday.

Since we are sysadmins ourselves, and have been in such situations countless times, we decided to tackle the problem by integrating world-class R1soft backups in Biscuit and offer it to our clients at an amazing price. Just look at this pricing:

  • Agent pricing: Free
  • Backup space: 20GB - $5/month
  • Backup space: 50GB - $10/month
  • Backup space: 100GB - $20/month
  • Backup space: 200GB - $40/month
  • Backup space: 500GB - $80/month

Oh, and forget about monthly snapshots, our minimum backup interval is set to 24 hours - yes, only 24 hours so you can be sure your data will be backed up at regular intervals that aren't light years away from each other. These backups are rotated at 5-day intervals and, to complement, we also include 4 weekly backups so you can go back further in the past if needed. But if you need even more regular backups, this is what the pricing looks like per-agent:

  • 24 hours backup interval - Free
  • 12 hours backup interval - $5/month
  • 6 hours backup interval - $10/month
  • 2 hours backup interval - $15/month

Why do we offer backups at such an affordable price you ask? Because we want every one of you out there to use the backups. We want you to keep your data safe. Oh, and did we mention the backups are saved at an off-site location for even more magic points? Being paranoid as we are, we would even suggest keeping your own backups in addition to ours, just to be on the safe side.

C'est la vie, unless you have backups ready in case problems happen ;)

What do you think of our backup offerings? Do you like its integration with Biscuit? What would you like to see changed? Let us know, we want to hear from you!